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The Tourettes Action Blog
The Tourettes Action blog gives people with Tourette Syndrome (TS) a space to talk about how the condition affects them. We hope that by explaining what life is really like to have or to live with someone who has TS, we can fight the stigma about the condition.
If you would like to write about your experiences of TS, we would love to hear from you. Please email us to find out more and discuss what you might like to write about.
My experience as a research participant
If you've ever considered taking part in a research study, read about Ash's positive, rewarding experience.
Posted Tue 4th Feb 2025 at 13:09
Masters research helped increase my understanding of TS stigma and how things need to change
When deciding what to research for my master’s dissertation I knew I wanted to do it about Tourette Syndrome (TS). It has been a subject I’ve done a lot of personal research on over the years in the hopes I could help a family member.
Posted Mon 17th Jun 2024 at 09:55
Masters student chooses TS as subject for research
I could have chosen a wealth of topics for the subject of my Masters in Psychology (conversion), but when I was advised to choose a topic that struck my interest most, Tourette Syndrome has been prevalent in my daily thought process and research for many years.
Posted Tue 29th Aug 2023 at 08:27
My own diagnostic journey has inspired me to pursue a PhD
Danni Phoenix-Kane shares her journey seeking an adult TS diagnosis, the support she received from organisations such as Tourettes Action and her future aspirations to research and advocate for the Adult TS community.
Posted Tue 11th May 2021 at 10:00