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Support in everyday life for people living with TS

In this section you will find general information relating to disability law, benefits, employment, studying, public services, housing and transport.

This section looks at how TS is recognised under Disability Law in the UK, what state benefits may be available to people with TS, the responsibility of employers and service providers towards people with TS and general advice concerning other areas in life such as housing and transport.

Is TS a disability?

TS is considered a disability under UK law, which prohibits people with the condition being discriminated against because of it. We have outlined information about TS & disability, including the definition of disability under the 2010 Equality Act.

Download our Factsheet - Disability Rights


If you are unable to work because of your TS, or need help with meeting the extra costs you face from having a long term health condition, you may be entitled to financial support.

Click here to access our TS and Benefits page for more information.


Having Tourette Syndrome should not prevent you from fulfilling your career aspirations. Many people with TS have successful careers, and are able to sustain employment. However, for some people with TS, employment may be an issue as symptoms can make it difficult to work regular hours or in your preferred field.

Click here to access our TS and Employment page for more information.

Public Services

Access to goods, services and facilities should be equal to everybody, regardless of whether they have a disability. We have put together information about the duty of Service Providers to make reasonable adjustments to remove barriers for disabled people and your rights.

Download our Factsheet - TS and Services


Unfortunately, some people with TS have difficulties with their housing situation. We have put together details of some potential housing issues that people with TS could face, and how you might look to resolve them.

The guide also contains organisations to contact with housing queries. Please note that Tourettes Action does not specialise in housing policy and is unable to assist with individuals’ housing cases. We suggest you contact the organisations listed in this document for advice.

Download our Factsheet - TS and Housing


Flying, using public transport and even driving yourself around aren’t always straightforward for people with TS. We’ve put together a factsheet about TS & transport explaining your rights and ways to improve your travel experiences.

Download our Factsheet - TS and Transport


Help if you're a student with a learning difficulty, health problem or disability.

Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) is support to cover the study-related costs you have because of a mental health problem, long term illness or any other disability, such as TS. This can be on its own or in addition to any student finance you get. The type of support and how much you get depends on your individual needs - not your household income. You do not need to pay back DSA.

For more information about what DSA can pay for and how to apply, please click this link.

"People with TS can live a perfectly happy and normal life and children do cope with the issues"



Wednesday 19 February 19:00

Adults with TS Support Group, Online 7pm - 8pm

Thursday 20 February 10:00

Parent/Caregiver Online Coffee Morning, Online 10am - 11am

Webinar - TS & FND, Online 8pm - 9pm
