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I am so proud of my son!

Posted Tue 7th Jun 2022 at 14:54
by Kelly More


Proud mum Kelly More, tells us how Nate overcame his fears to speak to his class about TS.

I want to let you know about my son, Nate.

We had received some literature from Emma McNally to help promote the understanding and awareness of Tourette Syndrome in my son's school. My son Nate, who has just turned 10, has Tourettes, Autism, ADHD, OCD and Anxiety Disorder.

He had put his posters on TS about the school and the head teacher had a chat with him about possibly doing a talk to the Primary 3/4/5 class. He was rather nervous, but we had a chat and I noted down all the points Nate had spoken to me about how TS affects him and can make him feel.

Luckily when I wrote the notes up for him (he struggles with handwriting), there were 9 points! He was delighted with this as when his OCD takes over, he generally does his compulsions in 3's, or multiples of 3's!

That week, my son stood up in front of the entire class and spoke about his Tourettes and how it affected him. Initially he had wanted the teacher to read out his notes, but he did it himself! The teacher said you could hear a pin drop and he got a massive round of applause (his teachers were extremely proud of him also).

To say I am a proud mum doesn't even come close! He was 9 at the time he did this, and was so anxious, but being the brilliant brave boy I know he is, he managed to do the talk himself.  I have raised him to own himself. Neurological differences and all. To be proud of who he is, just like I am proud of him. This was a huge thing for Nate to do, and I wanted to share it with you.

Well done Nate, from everyone at Tourettes Action.

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