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Whitemoor Lakes 2023

Posted Tue 26th Sep 2023 at 12:39
by Rob Gifford


Read Rob's roundup of the adult weekend in the West Midlands.

So, August 4th came round and after a very busy few days at work, suppressing tics, masking and a patchy nights sleep, I woke up feeling really burnt out. Nothing left in the tank. I didn’t think I could make it to Whitemoor Lakes for the weekend.

But I kept thinking about the last two TA adult weekends, in 2021 and 2022 and the amazing times I’ve had. All the people I’ve met since 2020 when I first connected with others on the TA zoom meetings. Friendships. Real kindred spirits. After pondering for a while, I finally pushed myself to get ready and made my way up North from London to Lichfield. I can’t tell you how glad I am to have made the weekend. Within a few minutes of arriving I’m chatting and catching up with friends, finding myself in stitches and feeling so grateful to be a part of this wonderful community. I’m finding it hard to articulate my sense of feeling so comfortable within a group of people. To let the guard down and be myself. To really laugh. It’s special.

There was plenty in the way of activities to do although I only had a go at the archery due to a back injury, but that’s OK. There’s no pressure at all. To hang out with such an accepting community is such a gift. For me, to just be with everyone, catching up with all those I now think of as old friends, and forging new friendships is a real joy. Just fantastic. Through the many conversations over the weekend I realised how much talent people have, it’s inspiring.

The venue was great and as always the TA staff were amazing. To organise these weekends must take a lot of work and attention and is greatly appreciated.

The only downside to the weekend is having to say our goodbyes and leave everyone. But on the journey home I was buzzing inside. So pleased I made it.

Thanks again TA for another fantastic weekend.

Light and peace to everyone.


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