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Revealing My Superpower

Posted Mon 9th Sep 2024 at 13:39
by Ellie Grant


What is it like being a mum with Tourette's?

Whether it’s the people that stop to stare in the shop or the ones that cross the road, I’ll NEVER let my daughter see that it ever bothers me.

To be honest, since becoming a mother who has Tourette’s, I try to show my daughter what a superpower it is to be different.

I went from hiding in my home through the school holidays out of fear for offending anyone, to embracing trips to the local playgroups, parks and soft play. Now, instead of hiding, i'm wearing my Tourette’s as a badge of honour. I try not to worry about tics and instead, if any person or child asks me about it I’ll explain how Tourette’s affects me.

My daughter, Wynter, is the most fearless kid I’ve ever met, she’s my biggest inspiration to be kinder to myself and my tics. If she is to ever see me have a tic fit, she’s there to stroke my hair and give me a cuddle straight after.

A lot of people ask if she’s picked up “a lot of swear words”. She does hear a lot of swears yes, but any time she repeats those words we just softly tell her there’s some things mummy says that Wynter shouldn’t. I’m sure as she grows, she will understand more and more.

We face new challenges everyday but seeing her smile and her determination is so infectious.

I’m so lucky I have such an amazing support network of family and friends, the biggest being my husband who wrote this poem on Wynters behalf for my most treasured Christmas present to date.

So, what is it like to be a mother with Tourette’s?

It’s the most rewarding feeling in the world to see my child growing up with inclusivity front and centre, seeing her empathy and understanding for everyone and everything shine through at such a young age. What a privilege to be a mother with my superpower of neurodiversity.


Mummy is my hero

A poem by Wynter and Daddy


Mummy is my hero,
she really is the best
Your mummy’s probably great too
but mines better than the rest


She does all that normal stuff,
Cooks, cleans, all the bits and bobs
While my dad’s out working
She’s doing all the jobs


She takes such good care of me,
even when I’m causing mischief
When I’m in pain or I am sad
she gives me love beyond belief


So, who has the greatest mummy?
Come on place your bets
My mummy can do all the things
and she does it with Tourette’s


Sometimes it makes her swear
although it’s not her fault
Sometimes it makes her legs move
or her arm goes with a jolt


She says it’s like there is a little man
In her brain who sometimes pulls the strings
He likes to cause such trouble
and makes her do some naughty things


Mummy calls it a tic
when she yells or shouts or swears
Although it can be funny
I sometimes have to cover my ears

Sometimes it can be painful
sometimes it makes her sad
And although she doesn’t let me see
sometimes she needs help from my dad


But always she is funny
keeps me laughing all the while
No matter how she’s feeling
she will always make me smile


Always she is kind
to me and everyone
Even when she’s super tired
and her energies all but gone


Mummy keeps a brave face
Always puts me first
Always lets me set the pace
Even when she is at her worst

You see mummy is the hero
to this little girl
I know I can always count on her
She truly is my world

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