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International Tourettes Awareness Day!
Posted on 18 May 2017
On the 7th June, people around the world will be helping raise awareness about TS. You can too by supporting our online campaign.
Social media is an incredible tool of communication, and we want to take full advantage of it's power for Tourettes Awareness day 2017.
TA twibbon
We are inviting people to change their social media profile picture on 7th June to the Tourettes Action twibbon. Displaying the TA twibbon will show your network that you support Tourettes Awareness. We hope, with your encouragement, that people in your network will change their profile picture too, so awareness spreads beyond our immediate circles, potentially reaching tens, if not hundreds of thousands of people. Lets dream big!
1. Download your twibbon image here
2. On your Facebook profile, hover over your profile image and click on ‘Update Profile Picture’.
3. Then click on ‘+Upload Photo’
4. Choose the Tourettes Awareness Twibbon from your computer
5. A dialogue box labelled ‘Create profile picture’ appears
6. Under ‘Add a description’, please add #Tourettes Awareness Day
7. On the bottom of the box, next to the words ‘Skip cropping’, move the slider completely to the left – this will ensure your image is not cropped
8. Click on ‘Save’
9. Done.
We are also supporting an international Tourettes awareness campaign called the #TSelfie. To join this campaign you need to take a selfie with one eye blinking (a common tic) and post your TSelfie on your social media account on the 7th June using #TSelfie.
For example you could tweet or post on facebook or Instagram: 'This is my #TSelfie for more Tourettes awareness!' or 'Helping spread #tourettes awareness' - and don't forget to attach your picture! Ask your friends, family and colleagues to do the same thing!
We hope you join in with these campaigns and help us to put TS on the platform it deserves!