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Let's make our voice heard!

Posted on 24 March 2015


An organization called Science is Vital is appealing for us to highlight the critically low levels of research funding in Britain they are asking Tourettes Action to support this action by asking its members to write to their MPs and parliamentary candidates to explain why medical research is important to them.

Deadline: 30 March 2015 (Dissolution of Parliament will occur on 30 March 2015: after then there will be no MPs until after the election)
Research is vital in helping us understand more about Tourette Syndrome (TS) and what it's like living with the condition. Tourettes Action supports many types of research projects from finding out how better to support individuals and their families, to understanding how genetics and the brain play a part in TS. However, without funding research cannot continue.
An organization called ‘Science is Vital’ is appealing for us to highlight the critically low levels of research funding in Britain – they are asking Tourettes Action to support this action by asking its members to write to their MPs and parliamentary candidates to explain why medical research is important to them. Please go to webpage for more information.
‘Science is Vital’ states that ‘research funding in Britain has fallen to critically low levels, and the biological sciences are being hit particularly hard. We are now spending less on research as a nation than any G8 country has for over 20 years. Remarkably though, this crippling decline has not become a part of the national conversation: we would like your members to help us make it a talking point. The lives of your members have been deeply affected by medical events and their support is now vital if we are to improve the lives of everyone in our communities. We are asking that they write to their MPs and parliamentary candidates to explain why medical research is important to them.
In just a few weeks, Britain goes to the polls to vote in a new government. This is obviously a crucial time for science funding and policy. Neither of the main parties has announced any intention to stem our nation’s scientific decline, and we fear this means further cuts are forthcoming, with clear implications for the rate of medical advancement for decades to come.
To coincide with British Science Week, our organization---Science is Vital---is asking you to contact your members and supporters and request that they write to their parliamentary candidates stating their support for increasing science funding to the G8 average of 0.8% of GDP.  In particular, we want them to explain why scientific/medical advances are important to them and their families’.

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