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TICS Connect - Tourette Syndrome/Tic Disorders Information Event
Posted on 29 October 2018
This public engagement event is for patients with a tic disorder or for people who think they or their family member may have a tic disorder / Tourette syndrome.
TICS Connect
This main event is FREE and will involve two talks, given by Dr. Valerie Brandt and Dr. Samuele Cortese. Information will be provided about tics, possible treatment options, and about the research into TS and tic disorders at the University of Southampton. You will also be given information about how researchers at the University of Southampton can support people with tics in seeking a diagnosis or treatment.
The event will take 1 hour and there will be an opportunity for questions afterwards.
Please register your free place here
TICS Connect satellite event
This is a FREE smaller group event, taking place as part of the larger TICS Connect event.
We are interested in your opinion about where we should take our research. This satellite event will be an informal discussion about possible future research regarding tics and Tourette syndrome. Up to 15 patients with tics or Tourette syndrome, or their family members can register to take part in this discussion.
What are your main concerns as a person with tics? What are your main concerns as a family member of someone affected by tics? What would you like researchers to find out about your disorder?
Number of attendants to this event is limited to 15 so please register your free place here
Both events will take place on
23rd November 2018 at University of Southampton, building 44, lecture theatre A
A free parking lot can be found when entering the University grounds via Chamberlain Road.
For further information please contact Valerie: