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Investigating Motor and Cognitive Control in Developmental Motor Disorders.
Posted on 7 November 2019
The Motor Development and Impact Lab (MoDI Lab) at the University of Surrey would like to invite you to volunteer for a study investigating motor and cognitive processes. The study investigates the processes in the brain that facilitate the control of movement and performance on learning tasks.
What will I have to do on the day?
The prepared tasks will be scheduled in three parts (you may complete them in a different order):
1. A set of questionnaires (some will be completed on a laptop and some on paper)
2. A set of motor and reasoning tasks
3. An electroencephalography (EEG) recording whilst completing two game-like computer tasks
If you are interested to find out more about the tasks, please get in touch and I will provide you with detailed descriptions.
You can pick whether you would like to participate in the morning (10 am) or in the afternoon (2pm). The tasks should take about 3 hours and 30 minutes altogether.
When can I participate?
Data collection will be ongoing between August and December. Please let me know what dates would suit you best and I will try to adapt to your schedule.
You can contact me via email at
What is the participation criteria?
You can take part in the study if:
- You are over 18 years old
- You have experienced tics since childhood (formal diagnosis not required)
- You do not have a current diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyslexia, dyspraxia or developmental coordination disorder, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), anxiety disorder, depression or any other neurodevelopmental, neurological or psychiatric disorder (this does not apply to difficulties from the past that are no longer problematic)
- You are not currently taking any medication for tics, ADHD, anxiety or depression (it is not a problem if you have taken medication in the past)
If you participate in my study:
Your travel costs will be reimbursed if you have to travel to the University of Surrey from outside of Guildford.
You will receive a few pictures of your brain waves activity.
What is it like to participate in research?
Watch the short video below to find out more about the study and the tasks involved.
Read Marta's Spotlight on Research profile here for more information about the project and inspiration for the research.
If you would like to get involved please contact me via email at