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Research study seeking healthcare and education professionals supporting parents/children from ethnic minority groups with neurodevelopmental disorders
Posted on 11 December 2024 by Pippa McClounan
New research study from the University of Nottingham
Exploring the experiences of accessing services and understanding Neurodevelopmental disorders for ethnic minorities in England (EXPAND): Perceptions of parent/carers, young people, health and educational professionals
The research aims to understand the lived experience of families (parents/carers and young people) who are from an ethnic minority background and whose child has a diagnosed or possible neurodevelopmental disorder. We want to also explore the perceptions and experiences of health (e.g. GPs, mental health professionals, service managers) and education (e.g. teachers, special need co-ordinators) professionals in supporting these families. We hope that our findings will help us be better able to improve the way in which healthcare is delivered in the future.
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