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Disorganised Children: A Guide for Parents and Professionals

Samuel Stein (2006)

'Disorganized children' may display a range of behaviours symptomatic of, for example, ADHD, autism and conduct disorders, but they often fail to meet all the criteria for a clear diagnosis. In this book, psychiatrists, speech, family and occupational therapists and neurodevelopment specialists present a range of behavioural and psychological strategies to help disorganized children improve concentration and performance in the classroom and deal with a variety of behaviour and social interaction difficulties. The authors also provide information and interventions for dyslexia, dyspraxia, OCD and schizophrenia, among others. The combination of information, exercises and case studies makes this a valuable tool for use by parents, health care and teaching professionals, and the authors provide an insight into the mind of disorganized children and practical guidance on how best to help them achieve their full potential.

Find the book online.

"People need to know that TS is involuntary. We don't need pity, but some will always need help, support and understanding"



Wednesday 23 October 19:00

Adults with TS Support group, Online 7pm - 8pm

Thursday 24 October 10:00

Parent/Caregiver Online Coffee Morning, Online 10am - 11am

Friday 25 October 10:00

Q&A Drop-in session, Online 10am - 11am
