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Kids in the Syndrome Mix

Dr Martin Kutscher (2007)

"Kids in the Syndrome Mix" is a concise, scientifically up-to-date, all-in-one guide to the whole range of often co-existing neuro-behavioral disorders in children - from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obsessive-compulsive disorder, and bipolar disorder, to autistic spectrum disorders, nonverbal learning disabilities, sensory integration problems, and executive dysfunction. Dr. Kutscher provides accessible information on causes, symptoms, interactions with other conditions, and treatments. He presents effective behavioral strategies for responding to children who display traits of these disorders - whether at home, at school, or in other settings - along with case vignettes and practical tips. The author's sympathetic yet upbeat approach and skillful explanations of the inner world of children in the syndrome mix make this an invaluable companion for parents, teachers, professionals, and anyone else who needs fast and to-the-point advice on children with special needs.

Find the book online.

"People need to know that TS is involuntary. We don't need pity, but some will always need help, support and understanding"



Thursday 12 September 10:00

Parent/Caregiver Online Coffee Morning, Online 10am - 11am

Friday 13 September 10:00

Q&A Drop-in session, Online 10am - 11am

Saturday 14 September 12:00

Manchester Tourette's Support Group, Sale West Community Centre, M33 4QW
